Job Questioned His Life

From today’s reading…

Why was I not still-born, or why did I not perish as I left the womb?” Job 3:11

Job was an unhappy dude for a spell.

Can you blame him?

Yesterday we read about the calamities that had befallen him all at once: he lost his sons, daughters, all but a few servants and shepherds, his oxen, donkeys, sheep, and camels.

In other words, he had a bad day, and it hurt him.

It hurt his soul.

He wondered aloud why he was allowed to be created, born, and lived.

Now we know.

For over 2,600 years, billions of people have been inspired by his story.

You need to reread the Book of Job and internalize it and live it, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.