How’s Your Neck?

From today’s reading…

…and be no longer stiff-necked.”

From the Google stiff-necked means “haughty and stubborn.”

Also from the Google, haughty means “arrogantly superior and disdainful.”

“What? Me? Haughty? Stubborn? Nah. You must be talking about somebody else. I’ll skip today’s writing on today’s reading.”

Why, that’s mighty haughty and stubborn of you.

“What’s that? You’re white? You’re black? You’re Hispanic? You’re Asian? I’ll skip today’s writing on today’s reading.”

Why, that’s mighty haughty and stubborn of you.

“What’s that? You went to college? You didn’t go to college? You own your own business? You’re an employee? I’ll skip today’s writing on today’s reading.”

Why, that’s mighty haughty and stubborn of you.

The Lord…has no favorites, accepts no bribes;

[He] executes justice for the orphan and the widow,

and befriends the alien, feeding and clothing him.

So you too must befriend the alien,

for you were once aliens yourselves…”

We’re all aliens—unfamiliar, unknown, strange, peculiar—somewhere every day.

Maybe you’re joining or not welcoming someone in a new Facebook Group.Maybe you’re joining or not welcoming someone in a new spin or yoga class at the gym.Maybe you’re joining or not welcoming someone into the Jiu-Jitsu school.Maybe you’re joining or not welcoming someone into a new neighborhood, a new city, a new state, or even a new country.

Loosen your neck.Humble yourself.Strive to understand.Seek justice.Offer friendship.Lend a helping hand.Accept a hand that is offered to help.

The journey is long, hopefully, because the journey is the destination.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.