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  • How to Create Entrepreneurial Alchemy, Dov Gordon

How to Create Entrepreneurial Alchemy, Dov Gordon

The Alchemist Entrepreneur 

Click here to download the episode. 

Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

  • They weren’t dumb or greedy

  • They were searching for the fundamental elements

  • We need to go deeper

  • Stop skimming the surface

  • Humans have always been easily-distracted

  • “Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourself and you can make a fortune.” (Jim Rohn)

  • Entrepreneurs are leaders but we have to earn the right to lead

  • We need vision

  • We must know how we fit into that role

  • What is the next small step the way the future version of you would take it

  • We get stuck. We don’t know how to answer “What do I want and why do I want it?”

  • The path we’re on is what gets our time and attention

  • We think we hit walls because we don’t know enough

  • You know enough but go deeper into what you already know

  • Think, Feel, Work.

  • You get an idea and move forward

  • Am I doing the right thing?

  • Am I doing it right?

  • Will it ever work for me? 

  • You end up like a Roomba vacuum cleaner

  • You need someone to look at what you’re doing to get you back on track

  • Take a chip out of the wall when you hit it

  • Then take another chip out of it

  • One day the wall crumbles and you step through it

  • Then you understand it like no one could teach to you

  • “Life is difficult. Accepting that makes life easier.” “The Road Less Traveled, Timeless Edition: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth

  • We all have disadvantages and advantages

  • We want to know we’re working hard on the right things

  • Some are happy to just mimic but some of us have pride (too much?) and we want to understand and make it our own

  • We want to be ourselves and be hired for our unique attributes

  • So it’s not enough to just mimic. Then you can make it your own

  • What’s the purpose of your funnel?

  • How do you fill it?

  • All tactics could work or fail

  • So ask “why does it work?” and “why does it fail?”

  • Follow the shortest path to your ideal clients

  • Answer the three questions in the minds of your ideal clients in order

    • Should I pay attention?

    • Okay. Who are you? Can I trust you?

    • Is what you recommend right for me?

  • Simple doesn’t always mean easy but if it’s simple it can be mastered…eventually

  • “What am I trying to accomplish?”

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast