He Always Answers You

From today’s reading…

“I seek Yahweh and he answers me, frees me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4

How can you seek God if your face is buried in your phone, you’re rushing from one kid’s practice to another’s game, then to the burger joint because you don’t have time to cook, then you burrow yourself under your favorite blanket to binge the latest show, sports channel, or cable news until you fall asleep with the remote or iPad in your hand?

How can you seek God if you’re running from networking event to masterclass to private Facebook group with bouts of live streaming, selfies, and TikTok scrolling?

How can you seek God if you only go to any church service once a month, and even then, you show up late, sit in the back, and leave early? What’s that? Oh yeah, right, I forgot. You’re spiritual but not religious.

How’s all of the above working out for you? For your spouse? For your kids? For your community? For the world?

Are things better now than when you were a kid?

If you’re not liking the answers to these questions, maybe you should start asking better questions yourself and living in a way that will bring about better answers for you and the world tomorrow, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Market like you mean it. Now go sell something.