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  • Grumpy Grumblers Are Never Gracious

Grumpy Grumblers Are Never Gracious

Why are we so afraid of freedom?

Faster than a sleeve of thin mints disappear at a weight loss convention…

The whole Israelite community grumbled against Moses and Aaron.”

That’s how these sheep replied in the Book of Exodus almost as soon as they were given their freedom after 400 years of slavery all because they were a little inconvenienced.

Why are we so quick to give up and look for the comfortable route even though we know there is no successful path that’s easy?

Doctors and scientists have diagnosed this issue and have named it “Shiny Object Syndrome.”

And it’s debilitating.

It takes your money.

It takes your time.

It takes your focus.

It takes your energy.

Despite working harder and longer you become less effective. Less successful. But grumpier. And less gracious.

It’s crushing.

It’s also curable.

I love loving sales. But sometimes I forget to love it. Thanks, Wes, for getting me back on track when the pull of minutia gets too much of my attention.”

That’s Jim’s unsolicited feedback on our private group after Thursday’s live, interactive video call.

If you’re not focused on sales—and loving it—you’re less effective and profitable than you can and should be.

Sales is the straw that stirs the drink.

And we’re all in sales all the time.

And you can participate fully for a full month that includes four live, interactive calls, 41 pre-recorded videos, a 70 page workbook, my book, two CDs, and my objection-defeating flash cards for less than you spent on the UFC fight last night or you bar bill Friday night or a tank of gas.

Here’s your link to get started: MakeEverySale.com

Now go sell something.
