God Sees The Evil Kings

From today’s reading…

Thus King Joash, forgetful of the devotion which Jehoiada father of Zechariah had displayed on his behalf, murdered his son, who cried out as he died, ‘Yahweh will see this and avenge it!’” 2 Chronicles 24:22

Over and over and over again, we read about people in powerful positions abusing their authority to rob people of their lands, their possessions, their loved ones, and even their lives.

Why do these stories persist for thousands of years?

Why are they told and retold so many times throughout the Bible?

Why do we think we are any better than King Joash?

Why do we think the brood of vipers in office across the land is any better than King Joash?

Heck, this type of violence against the pure, the productive, the pious goes all the way back to Cain and Abel, which showed us that instead of seeking to emulate those who are right with God and embracing their lifestyles, we allow shame, jealousy, and rage to control us and drive us to destroy that which can aid in our salvation.

Joash was a jerk, and he paid the ultimate price. Don’t act like Joash. It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.