God Routs The Arrogant

From today’s reading…

He has used the power of his arm, he has routed the arrogant of heart.” Luke 1:51

Mary has just arrived at Elizabeth’s, whose son, John the Baptist, “leapt in her womb” (v41) at Mary’s arrival with Jesus in her own womb.

Then, as soon as Elizabeth concludes heaping blessings upon “the mother of my Lord” (v43), Mary goes into an interesting monologue that includes today’s verse.

Mary is reminding us that the Lord is both loving and powerful.

He is merciful, and He is just, which necessitates the fall of the arrogant.

We all have a place, and we must know our place, which is kneeling in worship at the foot of God.

The arrogant are unwilling or unable to accept this, which is why our just God will help them see the error of their ways, and our loving Mother warns us what will happen if we do not…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.