God Is a Football Fan

From today’s reading…

“On the first day there shall be a sacred assembly, and you shall do no sort of work.”

Now I know what you’re thinking:

“See, Honey, God IS a football fan! We all know that Sunday is the first day of the week and when we assemble at the 50 yard line with all the other fan(atic)s it’s sacred. God is TELLING US to get season tickets. “And we all know that tailgating isn’t work, it’s relaxation, so we need a new grill, 120-qt cooler, custom cornhole boards, and a truck to actually tailgate. And face paint…and team jerseys…and foam fingers for the family…am I forgetting anything?”

You know I’m downplaying this description.

You have a friend that you either avoid altogether on Sunday, Monday night, and Thursday night or you go straight to their place because you know there will be beer, food, and football from the first minute of the pre-game show to the final wrap up.

The football stadium is their house of worship.

They are literally fanatics about their team.

They would never, ever, ever consider NOT dressing up for the assembly.

They can quote chapter and verse from every season’s stats book.

They will take up arms against anyone who blasphemes their coach, their quarterback, or their cheerleaders.

They have an elaborate ritual that begins the day before and includes preparing the food, their attire, and their place of assembly.

They will wake up early to beat traffic and ensure they get a good spot.

They will sing loudly together.

They will dance in the street.

They will form a line to welcome the chosen ones and will stretch out a hand just to touch their sleeves, their hands, or have their shadow cross over them.

They will hand over their children to be embraced by the glorious ones.

They will lose sleep and comfort one another should their magnificent ones fall short of their objective.

They will analyze, debate, and defend the performance and honor of their glittering Goliaths in online forums, blog sites, and the FaceyBookey.

They will immediately update the Wikipedia page of their sublime safeties, towering tight ends, and regal running backs.

And then they will review their Fantasy Football lineup with a fevered focus to prepare for waivers on Wednesday and before you know it, Saturday will be here and the preparation begins anew.

“What’s that you say? Church? You mean where all those freaks dress up…and get together…and read…and listen to one another…and sing…for an entire hour…and sometimes hang around drinking coffee and eating donuts for another 30 minutes…on Sunday? Who has time for that?”

We make time for what’s important in our lives. So if you have a business, you need to create a good inbound marketing strategy. Don’t be afraid to seek help.

What’s important in yours?

What team are you on?

Who’s your coach?

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.