God Has Sworn To David

From today’s reading…

Yahweh has sworn to David, and will always remain true to his word, ‘I promise that I will set a son of yours upon your throne. I shall clothe his enemies with shame, while his own crown shall flourish.’” Psalm 132:11, 18

God’s vision and timing are far different from ours. It was 14 generations from Abraham to David, 14 generations from David to the Babylonian exile, and 14 more generations to Jesus.

So that’s 28 generations from the time God made His covenant with David to the time He fulfilled it.

If a generation was 18 years back then, that means it took 504 years for God to make good on His word. That’s more than twice as old as America. Heck, Christopher Columbus set sail 529 years ago.

Imagine Isabella I saying this during her meeting with Columbus in 1492: “Yo, Chris, have I got a deal for you. Now hear me out and trust me on this. I’m a woman of my word, mmkay? Okay. So check this out. I’ve set aside some money, and in 1996 it’ll be used to pay for your grandson to the 12th degree to set sail on a wonderful voyage. No really, I am. It’s a done deal. I’ve already set up the trust and deposited the funds. And lookey here…he’s gonna be rich and famous and everyone will remember his name. It’s gonna be epic! I promise. Cool? Cool. Now, with that being said, would you like more tea?”

Not only did God make good on His promise 500 years later, but we’re also still benefiting from that promise 2,000 years after His promise came to life!

Your enemies will not succeed.

You will flourish under the ultimate crown if you’ll only…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.