God Does Not Want You Lost

From today’s reading…

‘Similarly, it is never the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost.’” Matthew 18:14

God does not want you wandering in the dark, surrounded by evil, unsure of your footing, paralyzed by fear.

God does not want you angry or bitter, homeless or lost.

God wants you home with Him, loving Him, and allowing yourself to be loved by Him.

God knows you are lazy, ignorant, arrogant, and foolish.

God knows you rush to judgment, jump to conclusions, and run your mouth more than your brain.

God knows you are weaker than you show or want others to know.

God knows you learn best by doing, but because you’re lazy, ignorant, and arrogant, you think you can do anything and everything perfectly…the first time…without even reading the owner’s manual…let alone practicing it.

This is why He sent His only Son. To prove His love by showing what it means to love. He continuously shows us the way home because He ceaselessly calls to us, but He doesn’t have to seek us because He always knows where we are.

All we have to do is follow His voice, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.