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  • Go Beyond Sales Enablement To Engage The Modern Buyer, Matt Suggs

Go Beyond Sales Enablement To Engage The Modern Buyer, Matt Suggs

Say hello to the evolved selling solution

Stream below or right click here to download the episode. 

  • Army Engineer

  • Employee #393 at Ariba before being acquired by SAP

  • Employee #10 at MediaFly, now with 75

  • Concentration of staff in Chicago with several on the West Coast

  • Put in the effort to stay connected to your remote staff

  • Traveling helps him stay connected with his sales team

  • Mediafly is used in front of your customer to create a seamless presentation

  • Track the experience and leverage machine learning and call tracking with sharing tracking

  • Use Mediafly instead of PowerPoint!

  • B2B buyers are frustrated with educating salespeople

  • Reduce friction between buyers and sellers by giving appropriate levels of information to educate and create mystique

  • Have a sales conversation vs giving a one-way presentation

  • Understand your personas

  • Send relevant insights specific to their industries to get the attention of your B2B prospects

  • Cold calling and direct outreach can and does work

  • Forrester published “Death of a Salesman,” but a professional sales person is still needed

  • B2B buyers still have access to data, now more than ever

    • So they are educated from online information, colleagues, analysts, and even social media sites and forums

    • But not all of the information is correct

  • Now we have to consider the problems of the customer as well as what they think they know.

  • Email marketing

    • Have a good hook in your email subject line

    • Open rates are declining

    • Insert good leads into nurturing campaigns

    • Leverage multi-media, multi-touch marketing to stay top-of-mind

  • It’s tough to get into a large enterprise with a door-to-door visit

  • Expand into similar / related industries

  • Get clear on knowing what the prospect doesn’t know but thinks they know!

  • Show up by adding value

    • 74% would buy from the first sales person that brought critical insights to them

  • Automate more transactions so you can focus on value-added services

    • Switching-costs are declining

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Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

  • Visit Mediafly for dynamic, interactive, data-driven insights, CRM for continuous feedback.