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  • Get Your Book Published and Sold Fast With Chandler Bolt

Get Your Book Published and Sold Fast With Chandler Bolt

Create your own “silent salesman”

Growth Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • Founder of Self Publishing School

  • The “silent salesman” (your book)

  • He has helped over 6,000 people publish their book

  • He’s a C-level student and college dropout with ADHD…but he is writing his 7th book

  • Sometimes the worst players are the best coaches because they know what it’s like to struggle

  • A book is a $15 mentor

A book is a $15 mentor.”

  • What are your core objections and/or your broken record conversations?

  • Write those down and send those out to your prospects

Ana Hoffman-Sales-Podcast–286
  • Your book helps you sort, sift, and separate

  • You can’t spell authority without “author”

  • It’s not easy, but it’s simple

  • Keep it simple

You can’t spell authority without ‘author.'”

  • The M.O.R.E. Method to writing

    • Mindmap it

    • Turn the outline into a rough draft

    • Rough draft

    • Edit

  • Take 15 minutes right now and get a sheet of paper and write a circle in the middle and set your timer

  • Getting your book into print is easy

  • Selling books is different

  • How are you strategically writing to create leads, sales, and referrals

  • 70% of all books sold are sold through Amazon

  • Chiropractor gave out two books to every new patient

  • Teach strategies, not tactics

  • What is the purpose of your book not only for your reader but for yourself?

  • Sales is service

  • Create leveraged impact

  • He had no master plan when he started

  • Your first hire is a scary moment

    • For him, it was a customer service/fulfillment person

    • A lot of his best employees were students first

  • There are marketing mechanisms and channels

    • Webinars

    • Free book funnels

  • What’s the channel to get people to your funnels?

    • Amazon

    • SEO

    • Ads

  • Free + shipping works, but so does Free + Free!

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast