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  • Get Into ‘The Revenue Zone’ With Tom Burton

Get Into ‘The Revenue Zone’ With Tom Burton

The Ultimate Playbook For The Next Generation of B2B Sales, Marketing, and Predictable Revenue Growth

  • B2B buyers want to be in control of and drive their research and overall buying process

  • Professional salespeople must transform prospects and customers into their own sales team and brand ambassadors.

  • Here are the 3 new rules of sales and marketing

  • Here’s a fresh approach to the B2B sales funnel

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  • Co-founder of a CRM/marketing automation company

  • His clients say they need something new

  • Has been in sales & marketing for over 30 years

  • Was at a board meeting presenting his pipeline and projections

  • He was challenged “How confident are you in these projections?”

  • How good are you at forecasting and predicting?

  • He was doing more guessing than the should have been

  • Most of the sale happens when the salesperson leaves the room

  • Prospects want to feel like they’re in control of the buying prospect

How good are you at forecasting and predicting?”

  • Get the prospect into the revenue zone

  • Is there demand for what you offer?

  • Do they trust you?

  • How do you lay out the yellow brick road?

  • Not focused too much on the prospecting side of things in this book

Lance Tyson The Sales Podcast Wes Schaeffer
  • It’s easier to get a meeting, but harder to get a meaningful meeting

A confused mind says ‘no.'”

  • Don’t stalk your prospects…educate and support them

  • Prospects get confused and overwhelmed with all the data

  • Help your prospects avoid the rabbit holes

  • Help them avoid being overwhelmed

  • A confused mind says “no”

Is there a pending event?”

  • Usually a buying team at larger companies

  • Take your current sales cycle and reverse engineer it

  • Where are the bottlenecks?

  • Where are the trends?

  • This is great for marketing leaders who are working more closely with sales

  • This is great for rev ops personnel and sales leaders, not necessarily the quota-carrying salespeople

  • Sales professionals should continue qualifying/disqualifying

  • Is there a problem?

  • Is there a pending event?

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast