Fish or Cut Bait

From today’s reading…

But Jesus said, ‘Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their dead.’” Matthew 8:22

In other words, “Fish or cut bait.”

Jesus doesn’t want mealymouthed, lukewarm, shoulda-coulda-wouldas following Him because His journey is difficult, His calling is challenging, and His mission is life-changing.

Note that Jesus does not soften His message or coddle His wannabe followers.

He’s like a Marine recruiter in that He’s only looking for a few good men. The few. The proud. Those with a fire in their bellies who aren’t afraid to have a rock as a pillow and a jail cell as their lodging.

In other words, Jesus is looking for those who have what it takes to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.