Fight To Touch Him

From today’s reading…

And wherever he went, to village or town or farm, they laid down the sick in the open spaces, begging him to let them touch even the fringe of his cloak. And all those who touched him were saved.” Mark 6:56

There are probably a million videos on social media showing a rabid fan screaming, ugly-crying, hyper-ventilating, and blowing snot bubbles as some celebrity approaches them, signs their shirt, takes a selfie, and hugs them.

That’s considered normal, acceptable behavior.

I mean, after all, that’s a Grammy-winning singer, an Oscar-winning actor, a Hall of Famer.

Who wouldn’t stand in line for hours just to look like a fool during a 15-second meet-n-greet?

“But those churchgoers? Those Jesus-freaks? Those hypocrites? Those holier-than-thou Bible-thumpers? Those Papists? Those cannibals? Those organized-religionists? They’re just weird. I mean, they waste their Sundays spending an entire hour at church. And like brainwashed sheep, they give their money to the organization. And they all think they’re better than everyone else.”

“What’s that? How do I spend my Sundays? Well, of course it includes tailgating…and painting my face…and spending my money on tickets, team jerseys, food, gas, and parking…and sitting in traffic for hours before and after the game…while I yell at the fans of the other team because they think they’re better than me…and stand for hours in the heat and the rain and the cold and the dark just to touch one of the stars…and maybe have them throw their sweaty wristband at me.”

“But, well, ya know, that’s…understandable…acceptable…it’s different than what you’re hinting at. I’m not forced or guilt-tripped into going to the game by my parents or spouse. It’s fun. It’s entertaining. And I’m not giving my money to some corrupt organization…well, I mean, sure, there are quite a few players who have been arrested for assault…and drugs…and gun charges…and even murder…but they’re not all like that.”

“Besides, there are a lot of good guys on the team…who do a lot of good for the community…and the games bring people together…Sure, $400 for a ticket and $200 for a jersey and $50 for parking and $15 for a beer is a lot of money…but it’s my money. I can do what I want with it. I worked hard for it. I’ve been blessed.”

We are tribal people designed in the image and likeness of God, which is why we organize to worship…something.

For some, it’s God.

For others, it’s a musician or a sports team or a politician.

Knowing it should be God, and practicing that every hour of every day, is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.