Enjoy Yourself Fully

From today’s reading…

Then all the people went off to eat and drink and give helpings away and enjoy themselves to the full, since they had understood the meaning of what had been proclaimed to them.” Nehemiah 8:12

The scribe Ezra had just spent 5-6 hours reading “the Book of the Law of Moses which Yahweh had prescribed for Israel” (v1), while key leaders of the Levite community “explained the Law to the people” (v7).

Ezra also translated and explained what he read “so the reading was understood” (v8), thus the celebration because God wants us to be joy-filled and prosperous.

He led by example in working hard six days a week and truly resting and keeping holy one day a week.

He also led by example in showing us how to face our adversities and challenges head-on.

To willingly carry the loads placed in our paths.

And he showed us how to ask not for a light load but for the strength to shoulder it.

Those prayers are always answered, so celebrate knowing that if you ask for it, God will give you all you need to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.