Eat and Be Satisfied

From today’s reading…

Then, taking the seven loaves he gave thanks, broke them,

and gave them to his disciples to distribute,…

They ate and were satisfied.

…There were about four thousand people.” Mark 8:6-9

Jesus is better than your mom, your grandma, your favorite aunt, and your three best girlfriends.

“Come on in. Pull up a chair. You’re just in time for supper. Don’t you worry. We have plenty!”

It’s what loving parents, family, and friends do.

They make do.

They support.

They provide.

It’s also what God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit do.

They can take what’s available and make it be more than enough.

So just make yourself available to Jesus and follow His lead and He helps you…

Stay the course. Keep the faith. Endure.

Now go sell something.