Don’t Choke On The Lure

From today’s reading…

…but then worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke the word and it bears no fruit.”

Abraham Lincoln once said “You can’t believe everything you see on the internet.” (I know it’s true because…I read it…on the internet.)

Which reminds me of the saying “If you can get them to ask the wrong questions, it doesn’t matter what the truth is.”

Since Eve plucked the apple, humans have always pursued that which they did not have. That which they were told they could not have.

How’s that working out for us?

Don’t get me wrong, aspirations are great. Wanting to improve one’s lot in life is fine. All technological progress comes from someone who was not satisfied with the current mousetrap or who thought bread would be better if it came pre-sliced.

So strive away. Invent. Explore. Discover. Test. Improve.

Just do two things while you’re at it: Enjoy the journey. Remember that the greatest journey is finding your purpose in life.

Those you see on social media leaning on fast cars and sitting in jets, sipping champagne while wearing $30,000 watches are mostly fake. (Abe Lincoln warned us.)

And if you’re working yourself into the hospital in pursuit of a life that is not real without asking yourself if that’s what you were put on this earth to do, aren’t you allowing the lure of riches to control you, choke you, and render you sterile?

So keep on keepin’ on with your bad, always-hustlin’ self. Just make sure your hustle is focused on the stairway to heaven instead of the highway to hell. 

Stay the course. Keep the faith. Endure.