Compelled By a Mighty Hand

From today’s reading…

I am well aware that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless he is compelled by a mighty hand; he will not let you go until I have stretched out my arm and struck Egypt with all the wonders I intend to work there.”

Exodus 3:19-20

Three days ago, the dictator, ahhh, President of France, Emmanuel Macron, went on TV and said, with a straight face, “The unvaccinated will bear the brunt of the restrictions rather than everyone…from the beginning of August, the vax pass will be needed for coffee shops, restaurants, supermarkets, hospitals, trains, buses etc…”

Yesterday, the dictator, ahhh, Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, went on TV and said, with a straight face, “Dismiss anything else: we will continue to be your single source of truth.”

This week, the dictator, ahhh, President of the United States, Joe Biden, admitted the government has lists of people who are not vaccinated and that his government will begin monitoring private text messages to control the sharing of information that they deem harmful (just like the U.S.S.R. did and China, North Korea, and Cuba does).

The stories of the Bible are both historical, instructive, and predictive.

They are a warning to us about what will happen to everyone who does not…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.