Children Are a Reward From God

From today’s reading…

Sons are a birthright from Yahweh, children are a reward from him. Like arrows in a warrior’s hand are the sons you father when young. How blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them; in dispute with his enemies at the city gate he will not be worsted.” Psalm 127:3-5

Yesterday I spent an hour praying outside an abortion mill in my hometown, and I will do so for the next seven weeks from 1 to 2 PM every Wednesday as part of the 40 Days For Life campaign because I believe the Psalmist today, which means I believe God.

If a society can justify sacrificing nearly 1,000 of their children PER DAY on the altar of an abortion mill to stay fit, advance their career, or travel more, is it any wonder we find ourselves in a nation and world enmeshed in ever-greater turmoil, acrimony, and conflict?

How did we get here?

We’ve ignored the adage, “It doesn’t matter what the truth is if you can get them asking the wrong questions.”

Society has lied to us, a skill at which the devil excels.

We’ve been told that children are a hindrance, an obstacle to living a productive, successful life of joy.

We’ve been told all the cool kids have 6-pack abs, big V8s, and houses big enough for The Waltons, The Brady Bunch, and the Eight Is Enough families with room to spare, despite having no children and living in a domestic partnership.

Women have believed the lies, so they spend the first 15 years of their reproductive lives doing everything they can to prevent a pregnancy, then spend ungodly sums of money, time, and energy doing everything they can to conceive during the final 15 years of their reproductive lives.

If you want to live well and prosper regardless of the challenges that come your way, welcome children and support those who do, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.