Cast a Wide Net

From today’s reading…

‘Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a dragnet that is cast in the sea and brings in a haul of all kinds of fish.’” Matthew 13:47

I tell people in my sales training programs that I prefer to sort, sift, and separate rather than sell someone.

If I cast a wide enough net, i.e., great marketing with enticing offers, or I teach, “Deliver a powerful message in a powerful manner,” then I’ll have enough great prospects that I can just take money from those who want and need what I offer, which leaves me the time, energy, and desire to serve them in excellence, and I can let the doubting, grumpy, jaded, and arrogant go about their un-merry way.

But I owe it to my prospects in pain to cast that net far, wide, and frequently.

If I sit on my hands and get distracted with pot, porn, and playoffs, I do a disservice to my potential customers, myself, and my family.

The same holds true with our faith.

We’re reminded by every Tom, Dick, and Harry that we are not to “judge” our brothers (Tom, Dick, and Harry like to cherry-pick the verses they remember and regurgitate, but I digress.), and they are right. Our job is to work in Christ to cast the net of faith far and wide, bring everyone to shore/the Church, and let God sort, sift, and separate.

So get to work.

We can’t save souls in an empty church.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.