Carry Your Cross Like Jesus

From today’s reading…

No one who does not carry his cross and come after me can be my disciple.” Luke 14:27

There are a lot of charlatans out there telling you what you want to hear, so you’ll fund their first-class travel, exotic cars, and shopping habits.

The “prosperity gospel” preachers are not your friends.

hey are lying to you, and your desire to be comfortable welcomes these lies and funds their ability to be both comfortable and spread their lies farther and wider.

The next time you are with one of these prosperity preachers, ask them to explain today’s verse.

Take note of their demeanor.

Look into their eyes.

The good ones will roll with this question, but not without a flicker in their eyes and a short reset in their posture.

Look for the eyebrow lift, the tilt of the head, the pursing of the lips, the slight pullback in their stance, the clasping of their hands, the shift in their speaking, i.e., if they usually are loud, optimistic, and rapid in their speaking they’ll shift to a lower volume, take a more stern demeanor, and they’ll slow down, or vice versa. It’s not the volume or rate or tonality that gives a liar away, but the change.

That’s how you know someone was surprised by a question.

They’ve been caught off guard.

But great liars can recover quickly, so pay close attention because knowing who is a faithful follower of Jesus and wants to help you grow closer to Him on your own journey is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.