Boast of Your Weakness

From today’s reading…

On behalf of someone like that I am willing to boast, but I am not going to boast on my own behalf except of my weaknesses; and then, if I do choose to boast I shall not be talking like a fool because I shall be speaking the truth. But I will not go on in case anybody should rate me higher than he sees and hears me to be, because of the exceptional greatness of the revelations.”

2 Corinthians 12:5-6

Paul has been a man of influence since he was Saul.

If anyone has a right to boast, it’s him.

He was a big dog with the Jews, and he has personally experienced the power of God, yet he is humble.

However, the Corinthians are silly people attracted to—and misled by—the boisterous and the proud.

This is not good, and in the previous chapter, Paul has been warning them not to allow the devil to sneak in and distract them.

So he has to speak of himself in the third person to avoid perpetuating the issue he’s trying to resolve because we are vain, lazy, and silly.

Just open the Good Book, go to Mass each week, seek opportunities to serve, and ignore the loud and the proud, because that’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.