Become New Like Elisha

From today’s reading…

He took Elijah’s cloak and struck the water. ‘Where is Yahweh, the God of Elijah?’ he cried. As he struck the water it divided to right and left, and Elisha crossed over.” 2 Kings 2:14

Elisha has received double the spirit of Elijah, per his request, so he had the power to split the Jordan, as did Elijah. (Hmmm…who else had the ability to part waters as he led his people out of slavery into the Promised Land?)

“But Wes, the Israelites are free.”

Yes, they are no longer under the rule of an evil pharaoh, but they are under the control of Satan, as seen by their worshipping of foreign gods and idols.

But God never leaves us without a guide, i.e., one who cries out in the wilderness to help us make straight the path.

Just as Jesus was later baptized in this same Jordan, Elisha passes through the waters in his form of baptism, takes off his old clothes, and is clothed with the attire of God in the form of Elijah’s cloak, so he becomes a new man, just as we are all made new with the Sacraments God gives us.

However, you and I don’t need to see a famous prophet taken away in a fiery chariot, nor do we need to split large bodies of water to know that we have the Spirit of God in us.

Jesus has given us a means by which we can receive His bread daily in the form of the Holy Eucharist.

Avail yourself of His generosity because it’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.