Be Ashamed Like Ezra

From today’s reading…

‘My God, I am ashamed, I blush to lift my face to you, my God. For our iniquities have increased, until they are higher than our heads, and our guilt has risen as high as heaven.’” Ezra 9:6

For Ezra’s humility and confession, God rewarded him in many ways.

God reminded Ezra of His love for him and his fellow Israelites. God “revived (them) to rebuild the Temple of our God, restore its ruins and provide us with a refuge in Judah and in Jerusalem” (v9).

What God did for Ezra, He’ll do for you, but first, you must recognize your sinful ways, confess them, ask for forgiveness, and do all you can to repent and not sin again.

Yes, it is difficult.

Yes, you will fall short.

Yes, God will continue forgiving and loving you for putting forth a valiant effort.

So you know what that means…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.