As The Sufferings Overflow

From today’s reading…

For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow into our lives; so too does the encouragement we receive through Christ.” 2 Corinthians 1:5

If I’ve accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and savior…and I’ve joined a good Bible-believing church…and I’ve held up my Bible…and said it like I mean it…that this is my Bible…and I am what it says I am…and I have what it says I have…and I can do what it says I can do…and if I’ve been taught the word of God…and I boldly confess…and my mind is alert…and my heart is receptive…and I will never be the same…and I pray this in Jesus Name…and I say GOD BLESS YOU…and I wear a nice suit…to a big concert hall/basketball arena/church…and I donate to my pastor…who has nice hair…and he drives a Ferrari…then why do the sufferings of Christ overflow into my life…and why do Paul and Timothy mention hardship and suffering seven times in just seven verses today?

Those are good questions. It’s not easy walking the walk of Jesus, is it?

At least, not if you try to figure it out on your own.

The Corinthians were wise to accept the help and follow the guidance and encouragement of Paul and Timothy.

They had been chosen by God and ordained by the Magisterium through the Tradition created and passed on by Jesus Himself. When you have that type of example, it becomes much easier to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.