All Fullness Is Found In Him

From today’s reading…

because God wanted all fullness to be found in him and through him to reconcile all things to him, everything in heaven and everything on earth, by making peace through his death on the cross.” Colossians 1:19-20

Why does everything have to go through Him?

Why did God the Father allow His only Son to die for you and me?

How can one person bring peace to all the earth?

Why did He have to die on a cross?

If death on a cross is such an evil, excruciating way to die, why do we use that as our symbol of faith today?


Accountability. The buck has to stop somewhere. Success in anything requires discipline, accountability, and responsibility. Own it.

Love. As a father, it’s easy to understand how a father could give his life for his child. But how much love would it take to allow your child to die for others? I’m not sure I have that much love in me. I can imagine being quite angry, bitter, and sad if I had to give one of my children, especially for some schmuck I didn’t know, and who might not even know or appreciate or know he wanted that sacrifice.

If Adam brought sin into the world, doesn’t it make sense that the New Adam is the means through which we can heal from the opening of that Pandora’s Box?

The meek, the humble, the lowly will be lifted up.

To be reminded that God can bring about unlimited good from the most horrific evil.

Keep all of this in mind so you can…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.