Act As I Told You

From today’s reading…

The reason I left you behind in Crete was for you to organise everything that still had to be done and appoint elders in every town, in the way that I told you,…” Titus 1:5

It’s interesting how all Christians read this and readily admit that it just makes sense to have a main point of contact for any organization because we all know that too many chefs spoil the soup.

So while they accept Crete reporting to Paul, many Christians lose their minds when they think Paul reported to Peter.

They start doing back flips and pretzel moves about the Greek and Latin and Hebrew words for “rock,” “pebble,” and “boulder,” meanwhile ignoring that Jesus spoke Aramaic, which is why He called Peter “Cephas” or “Kepha” (John 1:42) and Paul called him by the same name in Galatians 2:7-14, I Corinthians 1:12, 3:22, 9:5, and 15:5).

Paul knew where he stood in the pecking order, which is why he made it a point to share how he took Cephas to task in Galatians 2.

It was, and remains, a big deal to stand up to your boss, but Paul knew he was right, and the Church was made stronger because of it.

We need to respect the hierarchy God created and Jesus left us but hold our leaders accountable for their examples and their instructions, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.