Absalom Died For His Hair

From today’s reading…

Joab then said, ‘I cannot waste time arguing with you!’ And, taking three darts in his hand, he planted them in Absalom’s heart, while he was still alive, deep in the oak-tree.” 2 Samuel 18:14

Absalom was the most beautiful son of David.

He was just but allowed his pride and sense of justice to lead him to take matters into his own hands when it came to protecting the honor of his sister, Tamar (because David wouldn’t lead, but that’s another matter).

As David distanced himself from Absalom, Absalom doubled down on his mischievous, rebellious ways and drew more attention to himself by growing his hair long and thick.

It’s that long, glamorous hair that got caught up in the thick woods in verse nine while he was riding his mule that left him vulnerable and exposed to Joab’s darts.

Some would argue that life is complicated, relationships are complex, and nuanced situations will arise. Those people are right for the wrong reasons.

Life gets complicated and complex and nuanced when we are forced to pick between the lesser of two evils because we were too lazy to do the hard right thing when the opportunity presented itself and when we fall in love with ourselves and feel entitled dues to our self-righteousness.

David’s inactions led to animosity and hostility with his son, which eventually led to the death of not only Absalom but three other sons.

Cut your hair, or at least stop staring at yourself in the mirror, and focus on the Lord, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.